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There are two worlds within the show. The real world, and the world of Imagination Land.
Let's meet a few of those real world characters!

From childhood, Mr. Gray has wanted to follow in the footsteps of his hero, the world-renowned cartoonist Robert Rossie. Throughout his adolescents, his mother has always been overly supportive of his dreams while his father, a bitter angry failed artist turned accountant, often preached to young Mr. Gray stating constantly to “get a real job” or you will never amount to anything. Determined to follow his hero and disprove his father, Mr. Gray moved to Santa Monica Beach, California to live amongst artists and to pursue his dream. However, Hollywood has proved to be a lot more difficult than he thought and will soon realize the reality of the starving artist.

Mr. Gray has slowly grown unfocused and unsure of himself. One day he tries to become a sculptor, the next day a painter, the next day a musician, all the while getting no closer to what he thinks he should be doing. Basically, aimlessly flailing.
But as he chases his dream and the world responds with more obstacles, Scribbles is there to guide Mr. Gray to the right path, even when he doesn’t see it himself.
The star of our show, Mr. Gray
And that brings us to the one and only, Scribbles.

Sent to help Mr. Gray by a magical force, Scribbles is a mischievous creature that has one goal: keep Mr. Gray on the path of following his dream. Scribbles is often misunderstood by Mr. Gray who thinks that Scribbles constant fooling around is only just another distraction sending him further from achieving his dream. The truth is, Scribbles uses his magical intuition to keep Mr. Gray on his path whenever he seems him go a bit too far down the wrong way.

Scribbles will do anything it takes to set things right, even if that means destroying everything Mr. Gray thinks is sacred. But it's not just Scribbles who helps Mr. Gray, it's also his positive influencers.
The Positive Influencers that help shape the artist of Mr. Gray.
Positive Influencers

Momma Gray is the light of Mr. Gray’s life, a bubbling personality overflowing with positivity, warmth, compassion and unconditional love. She is simply the source of his inspiration. Momma Gray has always believed in a life full of color and living life to its fullest extent. She opens her heart and door to anyone who needs it. Her multicolored polka dot dress perfectly represents what she is on the inside.

Mamma Gray is the definition of life and love, but it wasn’t always this easy for her to stay this positive. She has been tested time and again throughout life. There is one undeniable, indisputable quality that surrounds Momma Gray; She is a fighter.

Captain Beardy is a silly talking pirate that is always returning from extravagant adventures from the most unknown places in the world. He is forever searching for his lost treasure; the main problem is that Captain Beardy can’t quite recall where he left it or even exactly what the treasure might be. Many years ago while sailing the world in his ship, The Unsinkable I, Captain Beardy and his faithful dog companion, Dakota, found themselves in the mist of a massive tropical storm, which inevitably left them floating out at sea while the Unsinkable I sank to the bottom.

This tragedy left Captain Beardy with massive memory loss. He vaguely remembers having once had a treasure of some kind, but no matter how hard he tries, he still can’t recall what it was that was so important to him.
Captain Beardy is full of bizarre wisdom and seemingly odd advice. He is a survivor and is wiling to brave any storm as he steadfastly faces whatever life throws at him. His lost treasure represents chasing after our youth, lost love and missed opportunities in life.

Everyone needs a Best Friend.
Alaaddin is Mr. Gray's all-time best friend! He wants to belong to two worlds, the new world in America full of new culture and opportunity and his old world, back in the country of Turkey where he and his family fled. He yearns for this father’s acceptance but also wants to pave this own path as a man here in America and break away from his father’s ideologies. This is a hard feat for Alaaddin and difficult to balance his personal goals while also trying to keep the family together as he is the glue that has kept them from falling apart. He is incredibly intelligent and determined. Because of all of this, he was able to get the family back on their feet by opening Amir’s Kabobs and purchasing a food truck with the rest of their family’s savings. His goal is to eventually open the family restaurant again and make his dad proud.


Sometimes Cupid hits you with an arrow.
Rosie Tea spends her day working at her local youth shelter, a career that tests her mental balance daily. Here, she aids and helps to support foster children, homeless children and the less fortunate. Over the years she’s been a student of Zen, to learn how to deal with the daily turmoil and emotional toll that working in this type of environment can have on a single beating heart. While some turn to friends, family and religion for their internal moral support, Rosie Tea finds solace in the simple pleasures of life, like meditation and a warm cup of tea. At the end of each day, grateful for her life and hopeful for the future of others, she boils a pot of water and steeps a bag of tea. Because for Rosie Tea, it’s the place she’d rather be: at peace.
And to Mr. Gray, she is his current crush.

A playful muse, Csupoloop is a ray of sunshine in a world often coated in darkness. He is always encouraging, always full of joy and always quick with an arm over your shoulder and a “how ya doing?” - with the expectation that you’ll actually answer honestly. He’s a free loving spirit with seemingly no care in the world as if there’s nothing that will make him unhappy - as he’s found happiness within.
Csupoloop is a close friend of Mr. Gray and his booth buddy down at the beach boardwalk. For years, Csupoloop has been sitting right next to Mr. Gray selling his artwork and playing his ukulele for the tourists that walk by. He always has a smile on his face and is constantly looking at life through a positive lens.
And sometimes the universe sends a guardian.
For times when we need a little extra help.
Dr. Sigmund Healing is a therapist by trade and became a student of mental health because of her own need for personal healing. She is incredibly sensitive and empathetic to other people’s pain and can often see the root of their problems within a few minutes of counseling them.
She is kind, but willing to ask the hard questions to help people find the truth of their trouble and help them deal with it head on. Her biggest setback is sometimes failing to have the courage to help herself. And her most repeat client is Mr. Gray.


A loving and friendly lesbian couple, Erin Hunch and Jane Sleuth are two unafraid private detectives who jump into any adventure without hesitation. For them, no risk is too great and the adventure itself is always the true reward. And although they have many open cases, they do not always solve them, but that doesn’t seem to matter as they enjoy each other’s company more than the chase. They will often push each other outside of their comfort zones, challenge inner thoughts and build each other up every step of the way. They are also very competitive. It seems that no matter the situation, they are always trying to one up the other. If it weren’t for the hard work of The Hunch & Sleuth Detective Agency, and the strong foundation they built together, there would be a mountain of unsolved cases throughout the city.

Life is a balance. If we have positive influencers, then we must have:
Negative Influencers.
Negative Influences

Father Gray (Mr. Gray’s father) would not be the definition of love and support. Oppressor would be a better term. Throughout Mr. Gray’s adolescence, his father was always there to shoot down his dreams and to remind him of how silly and unrealistic dreams of being an artist actually are. It’s a good thing Mr. Gray has the balance of his mother’s support because without it, under his fathers orders, Mr. Gray would have become a pencil pushing accountant or some other uncreative and unfulfilling life career. Because to Father Gray only one thing matters, financial support, stability and playing it safe. He doesn’t believe in taking risks. He’s a very practical man.
But the truth is, the reason Mr. Gray’s father is so biter is because of his own failures. When Father Gray was a young boy, he always dreamed of moving to France and becoming a painter. But over the years, the pursuit proved to be to hard for him.
To his tenants, Mr. Hubbard seems to be cold and uncaring about all of those around him. He is only seen around the property when he is out collecting rent money. Having seen the worst that the world has to offer, Mr. Hubbard has chosen to never allow anyone to take advantage of him again, leaving him methodical and calculated, almost robotic. Instead, he now uses what he knows and his limited power to gain as much money as possible to help him and only his close loved ones, regardless of the cost to those around him.
When he is not out collecting money he lives almost entirely in the top penthouse of the apartment complex and seems to be shut off to the world and the pain around him.


However, Mr. Hubbard is not what he appears. While he seems to be the classic money grabbing capitalist, he is in fact living a very simple life. The interior of his penthouse is very bland and minimal; a single chair, a single couch, a small TV and a refrigerator. What he does have is an abundance of pictures of his family. The walls are covered with photos of his family and more importantly his daughter and grandson. Mr. Hubbard's obsession with money and control is based on his need to help his ailing grandson. Ever since he was born, Mr. Hubbard's grandson Willie has been in and out of the hospital. Willie’s mom, Mr. Hubbard's daughter is a struggling single mother who works two jobs just to pay for her sons hospital bills, which seem to grow higher and higher with each passing week.

There is always that one BOSS.
Ruler and overlord of The Daily Dot Newspaper Company, Mr. Kingsman has a nationwide and even worldwide domination on the forefront of his mind. From a young poor scrappy city boy to the biggest CEO in America, the largest corporation since Disney and a personal net worth of 500 billion dollars, his ego is just as big as his accomplishments. He is firm, strong willed and determined to succeed at any cost. Even if that means walking over others and turning his back on those who helped him every step of the way.

To Mr. Kingsman loyalty comes in the form of gold and green dollar bills. This constant need for more money has left Mr. Kingsman slightly detached from his fellow colleagues. He is always in a constant state of stress and always on the lookout for someone trying to tear down his empire, which is almost never the case. So because of this, he often will carry a roiled of copy of the Daily Dot paper that he regularly squeezes like his own personal stress ball.
Mr. Kingsman is a four-foot tall walking stress-filled zombie bent on taking over every aspect of the world. If you’re useful to him, he’ll lavish you with praise, but if you cross him, he’ll do everything he can to destroy you and wish you’d never met him.
And always, that Arch Nemesis.

Gene Glitch is a local cartoonist and Mr. Gray’s arch nemesis; at least that is how Gene sees it inside his head. Gene has worked at The Daily Dot Newspaper Company for the past 15 years, slowly working his way up the corporate ladder and proving his artistic abilities every step of the way. His ultimate dream has been to become the replacement for Robert Rossie, the greatest cartoonist to have ever lived. And his life seemed to be going according to plan. He went to collage, he honed his craft, he befriended anyone he had to and he has sucked up to just about anyone he’s ever had to and now for the first time in his life he sees his opportunity. Robert Rossie is retiring. There is only one problem, the Daily Dot Newspaper Company just hired a certain nobody off the street…Mr. Gray. Feeling threatened by this new hire, Gene’s true personality has come to light, and it’s not a pleasant one.
So how did these worlds connect? One word: Flappy.
Imagination Land

Flappy, a magical bluebird, was sent “by the gods” to see if Mr. Gray was worthy enough to be guided along the path of becoming the greatest artist in the world. A responsibility that carries with it a great weight. Flappy understands the need to cultivate the caring side of Mr. Gray and does this by putting him through a series of selfless tests to grade his level of compassion for others, a key component to success in any aspect of life. Once Mr. Gray displays his worthiness, Flappy will send Mr. Gray an assistant/ muse/ friend to help him; that person is Scribbles.
And where exactly did Flappy find our friend Scribbles? That's right...Imagination Land.
Lets meet some friends from Imagination Land.

Potato is a twelve-inch tall, silly talkin’, half butterfly, half gopher spirit guide to everyone and everything in Imagination Land. Potato, armed with his magical clipboard and microphone headset, serves as the guide and central hub for all knowledge of Imagination Land and has the unique ability to create anything that is asked of him right out of thin air. With the chubby body of a gopher and the delicate wings of a butterfly, Potato would NOT be considered the fastest animal in Imagination Land. But what he lacks in speed, he makes up for with his endless intelligence and incredible management style, because of course; he is the glue that keeps Imagination Land together.
And it's not easy task, as Imagination Land is ever growing and expanding. There are many parts to account for, including the biggest central hub, HappeeVille. Let's meet a few of those happee-go-lucky characters.

(Cat + Tyrannosaurus Rex)
The Catasaurus Rex is a very sneaky predator. Luckily, they sleep 23 hours a day.

(Ostrich + Hippopotamus)
The Ostrichpotamus diet consists of jelly beans & blueberry muffins. They also enjoy spending their day frolicking in the Fields of Yonder.

(Shark + Mermaid)
The shapeshifting Sharmaid can transform into any physical form or shape giving them unlimited abilities.
(Kitty + Popsicle)
The Kitsicles love wrapping their tails around people to give mega hugs. And how do they do this? They fly through the air and sneak up on you!

(Popcorn + Pigeon)
When exposed to very high temperatures, the Popigeon produces buckets of popcorn, which it usually's kind of weird.

(Mouse + Tiger)
The Mougar has supersonic ears that can listen up to 100 miles away. So because of this, they keep the best secrets of the residents of HappeeVille.

(Bunny + Fish)
The Unnyfish can be found at the bottom of the ocean digging tunnels looking for cotton candy, their daily diet.

(Bird + Monkey)
The Birdky likes to hangout on banana trees for one simple reason, they love eating bananas.

(Raccoon + Octopus)
The Racctopus, nicknamed "The Underwater Bandit," is the ocean candy thief. So make sure when you're at the bottom of the ocean that you keep your sugar
Surprising enough, there is a weirder creature in Imagination Land.

Mr. Piggles truly is a one of a kind. In fact, Mr. Piggles is the only creation within Imagination Land that was not created by Mr. Gray. Using extra pieces and parts of other characters found around Imagination Land, Scribbles designed Mr. Piggles as his own personal crash test dummy. After all, he needed someone to test all of those elaborate contraptions built for escaping Imagination Land. But it doesn’t stop there. With the body of a gopher, the head of a pig, the teeth of a beaver, two different feet, a stripped tongue and an extra bouncy polka dot tail, Mr. Piggles is with out a doubt, the craziest, zaniest character in all of Imagination Land. He is so crazy that he actually makes Scribbles look refined, well mannered and the perfect role model. The perfect word to describe Mr. Piggles: Wildcard.
Lets travel high above Imagination Land to a very "special" place.

There is also a place in Imagination Land, a place in-between positive and negative thought. A place where stress doesn’t exist because they don’t know what the meaning of the word stress is, but then again, these little guys don’t really know much of anything. High above Imagination Land there is another place called Mount Cumulusmindless.

A place amongst the fluffy clouds without thought. Not negative, not positive, not anything. Welcome to Mount Cumulusmindless, the land of nothing where nothing happens. The characters, known as Blanksies, are cute, fluffy, endearing and have no idea what they are doing, who they are, where they are or just about anything for that mater because it’s a place that lacks thought.
You could even say that everyone here is perfectly happy because ignorance is bliss, and they are the definition of true bliss. And if you find yourself in the fluffy clouds of Mount Cumulusmindless and you need help with a question, well good luck, you will be there for a long awhile.

Be careful though, keeping your head in the clouds for too long can be dangerous. Here, your mind will begin to lose all thought in a matter of minutes.
Negative Land's not all rainbows and happiness.

Like everything else in life there is always a balance. Where good meets evil. Where happiness meets sorrow. Where ease meets struggle. The mind is a powerful tool capable of endless imagination, critical problem solving and even altering our perception of our very own reality. But it’s also capable of self-destruction. It’s capable of plaguing the very essence that allows you to live a healthy creative life. And more often then not, it has a darker side. In the darkest corner of Imagination Land, far, far away from all positivity, and on the complete opposite side of the world, there is a darker place, a place where all of Mr. Gray’s unfinished drawings are abandoned and left incomplete, a place appropriately named Negative Land.

CrudeVille is the central hub into Negative Land, the dark underbelly of Imagination Land. It’s a dark, cold, and scary place that lacks imagination. A place where the sun never shines and only clouds and darkness rule the skies in-between the hover of faceless tattered crows.
The roads and walkways continue to crumble beneath your feet. Trees are left unfinished, un-flowered with an eerie disposition with branches twisting and turning, stretching outwards as if the hands of skeletons are reaching to get you in their grasps. Giant broken pencils are littered about the land amongst the pencil shavings, eraser crumbs, ink spills and thousands of crumbled up pieces of paper.

The unfortunate souls that roam about this land are the unfinished cartoons from a past time, once started but never finished. These cartoons, better known as Crudies, come from the discouraged part of Mr. Gray’s imagination. Turtles without shells, birds without wings, pigs without tails, giraffes without spots, elephants without a trunks; these are just a few of the creatures that inhabit the town of Crudeville on the floor of Negative Land.
As if it wasn't bad enough these cartoons have to live a life unfulfilled and unfinished trapped inside CrudeVille, their hope of ever escaping shrinks even more by the hands of the evil rulers of Negative Land. A group of creatures a hundred times worse than anything in Imagination Land.

Introducing The EVIL Thoughtsies.

Thousands of feet above CrudeVille, at the top of the twisted, ink covered mountain of Mount Melancholia, is the Castle of Sorrows, home of the Evil Thoughtsies.

They are a terrible group of creatures that represent inner self-doubts & fears.

The Evil Thoughtsies themselves have not been created into anything yet and take the form of shapeless ink blobs. Ink blobs that morph, crawl and creep around Negative Land like paint slowly dripping from the tip of a brush.

By design, they inherently ruin anything they touch because by touching something means smearing their nasty ink all over it. Because of this, Negative Land is covered in ink spills displaying their paths of destruction.
With their ominous red glowing eyes, sharp jagged teeth and mouths that seem to open as wide as they wish, the Evil Thoughtsies are nasty good for nothing creatures that should have stayed inside their inkbottle.

And to make matters worse, The Evil Thoughtsies have one goal in life: to plague the mind of Mr. Gray and those living in Imagination Land, to reverse their positive thoughts and to bring them all down.
And since thoughts are the driving force to who we are and how we interact with this world, you can see how powerful these little creatures truly are.
The more positive our thoughts, the more likely our perspective on a daily basis will be positive. The more negative thoughts, the harder it can be to create and to problem solve, which leads us to our next calamity.

Negative thoughts have the special caveat of having the power to disrupt our life in a very negative way. But like all thoughts, good or bad, thoughts should be acknowledged and should never go uncounted for. If you have a negative thought, it is your obligation to face it head on and to find out the source of this thought.
Pushing down negative thoughts and burying it will NOT solve your problem. In fact, not acknowledging your negative thoughts will make them grow bigger and bigger overtime and eventually causing you to explode. This explosion can lead to something even worse.

It gets much worse.
When Mr. Gray has a negative thought, that thought (or Evil Thoughtsie) immediately populates into Negative Land immerging from the black bubbling waters of Iron Gall Lake just outside of Crudeville.

If Mr. Gray acknowledges these thoughts and works to solve the core of the problem that created the Evil Thoughtsie in the first place, then the Evil Thoughtsie will eventually be transformed into something positive and ultimately transported to HappeeVille.
If however, Mr. Gray ignores the Evil Thoughtsies, then overtime they will begin to morph into each other growing in size until they become a Thoughtzilla.
Thoughtzillas are the mega version of Evil Thoughtsies standing at hundred feet tall with multiple Evil Thoughtsies merged together as one. Once they have reached the stage of Thoughtzilla, there is no ignoring them now, as they are able to break out from behind the walls of Negative Land causing damage to the rest of Imagination Land!
Whew! That was scary. Here's Cuddles the Squirrel. He loves you!

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