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Cartoons have always been a safe escape from the darkest parts of reality, that one place you could travel to surrounded by friends who had one objective in life: to make you smile. But what if cartoons could do more than just make you smile? What if they could actually help you to heal from within? The world needs a show about the human experience now more than ever and The Mr. Gray Show! is on a mission to make that idea possible. Our mission is to create a show that brings families together by opening the door for honest discussions about mental health and the power to take control of your mind. We do this by following a wide-eyed dreamer, Mr. Gray, as he embarks on the biggest journey of his life while battling his own fears, self-doubts and flaws along the way. We want to normalize mental health. We want to show children that a hero does not have to be perfect to be powerful. We use Mr. Gray and his sidekick Scribbles to help teach children about the importance of self-expression and the acknowledgement of feelings, good or bad. We want to teach children that it’s OK to be different and more importantly, how to accept others who are different from us.
The Mr. Gray Show! is about bringing the world closer together by normalizing the one thing we all share in common; the human experience.​
Mission Statement

Mr. Gray
Creator / Executive Producer

Matt Dean
Creator / Executive Producer
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